What is the 西萨塞克斯郡数字化发展 Programme?
西萨塞克斯郡数字化发展 is 在这里 to help your business strengthen its digital toolset. You’ll walk away with actionable insights, new business connections and key takeaways about how you can grow your business. Each of our themed days include a mixture of expert in-person workshops, 当地的食物, networking opportunities and access to one-to-one mentoring.
Your free digital growth support includes:
Interactive group workshops from local experts: learn how digital can help you increase sales, 降低成本, 接触新客户.
Attendees of the workshops can be paired with one of our expert mentors for one whole day of fully funded mentoring!
扩大你的人际网络, 与其他与会者见面, make new connections and partnerships whilst enjoying some delicious Sussex produce.
西萨塞克斯郡数字化发展 is a series of free, 精心策划的工作坊, facilitated networking and 121 mentoring that is travelling across West Sussex between September 2023 to April 2024 to support local businesses on all things digital. It will provide opportunities for local businesses to improve their digital capabilities, connect with other businesses and receive 121 support. Each themed day will focus on core topic areas, meaning that you can pick the day or days that are most relevant for you.
Supported by the West Sussex Councils and delivered by Freedom Works, 连接raybetAPP, Creative Bloom and Shake It Up Creative, the content of this programme has been carefully designed based on insights from previous West Sussex Councils business support programmes as well as speaking to a range of local businesses about what support they require in this area.
Participants are encouraged to book and attend the full day of workshops to benefit from networking, 获得导师, signposting to follow-on support and enjoy local produce whilst expanding their digital knowledge.
现在就登记你的兴趣 to reserve your free place for the first set of workshops in September. We can’t wait to support you and your business.
Brought to you by the West Sussex local authorities and delivery partners
Below are answers to the most frequently asked questions about the programme, if you have a question that hasn’t been answered email the organiser via Eventbrite 在这里.
This programme is for all businesses across West Sussex (of any size) who are looking to improve their knowledge and skills of digital working and doing business online. We’ve designed these events to ensure every business owner comes away with new knowledge, skills and meaningful connections to help your business grow.
Is t在这里 a cost for the workshops or the mentoring?
No, this programme is funded by the West Sussex Councils, so that it can be provided free of charge to all businesses across the county.
W在这里 will these workshops be held?
The 成长 Digital events will be coming to towns across West Sussex, so t在这里 will be a date available near you or you can travel to another district if the date is more convenient.
When are these workshops taking place?
The 成长 Digital workshops will run from September 2023 – March 2024.
The workshop topics cover a wide range of digital topics designed to help you solve problems and unlock opportunities for your business. Topics will address key challenges faced by small businesses and how digital technology can help to save you time and money including reducing costs, 获得更广泛的客户群, 增加销售, as well as access to the right people and resources. All topics come with tools and best practice recommendations to help your business advance digitally.
Can I just apply for the 121 mentoring?
In order to access the mentoring you must have attended at least one of the in-person workshops. Once you have submitted your request for 121 mentoring it will be considered by the team and we will then look to match you with a relevant mentor with expertise in the area you’re looking for support with. Mentoring is free and funded by the programme.
How do I qualify for this support?
Your business must be based in West Sussex. You do not need to be registered on Companies House or have employees.
Ready to grow with free support?
现在就注册 to get the digital skills you need to boost your confidence, future-proof your business and reach new heights!